A mortgage escrow account is a financial tool used by lenders to manage and disburse payments for property-related expenses, like property taxes and homeowners insurance. Rather than paying these expenses separately, a portion of your monthly mortgage payment is set aside in the escrow account.
What Is a Mortgage Loan Servicer?
Working through the mortgage process can be complex, and one significant yet often misunderstood aspect is the role of a mortgage loan servicer. You might be familiar with lenders, the entities that provide the funds for your home purchase, the servicer is the company you’ll interact with most frequently over the life of your loan.
Why Is My Mortgage Escrow Account Sending Me a Check?
Various factors can lead to fluctuations in these estimated expenses. If the actual costs turn out to be lower than anticipated, your escrow account may end up with an excess balance, resulting in a refund check being sent to you.