If you’re having financial troubles, or if you need to free up a large sum in a short period of time, a reverse mortgage is a great way to get the money you need without having to take on new debt or make monthly payments. The great advantages of a reverse mortgage are that you don’t need to make any loan payments until you decide to move out of the house and that in spite of the interest rates attached, you’ll never owe more than the value of your home.
Selling Your Half of a Jointly-owned Home? Here’s What You Need to Know
There are many factors to consider when it comes to selling your home, and if you own your home with someone else the details involved can be even more confusing. If you’re wading into your co-ownership options and are curious about your next steps, here’s a short list of some things to think about.
Key Questions to Ask Yourself Before Deciding to Refinance Your Mortgage
If you’re looking to reduce your interest payments or get more favorable loan terms, there are lots of ways you can change your mortgage. But one of the most effective ways to take advantage of low interest rates is with a mortgage refinance. That said, refinancing typically comes with a variety of costs and may not be a good solution or all homeowners.
So how can you tell whether it’s a good idea to refinance your home? Here are three questions you need to ask yourself if you want to find out.
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