Higher education can be one of the most significant financial investments you’ll make, second only to purchasing a home. While federal loans are a common method for covering college costs, using your home’s equity is another option to consider.
Can You Buy Land with a VA Loan?
The VA loan program offers exceptional benefits to veterans, active-duty service members, and eligible surviving spouses, including no down payment, competitive interest rates, and no private mortgage insurance (PMI). But what about buying land?
Can You Be a First-Time Homebuyer Again?
Purchasing a home is a significant milestone, and first-time homebuyer programs make the process easier for many stepping into homeownership. But what if you’ve owned a home before or are currently a homeowner?
What to Do If Interest Rates Drop After Getting a Mortgage
When securing a mortgage, buyers aim to lock in the best possible interest rate. But what if interest rates fall after you’ve closed on your loan? Are you stuck with your current rate?
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