Many people all over the world are dealing with issues involving debt or poor credit history, but most aren’t necessarily aware of what exactly makes up their credit score. Unfortunately, it might seem like it’s the big stuff that counts when it comes to credit, but little things can have a significant impact on your financial health. If you’re looking to improve your understanding and your finances, here’s what you need to know about small mistakes and your FICO score.
With Mortgage Rates This Low, Should You Dive In? 3 Reasons Why Now Might Be the Time
Whether you’ve just finished school or are about to start a family, investing in a home can be one of the biggest financial decisions of your life. But as you’ll soon discover, there are a number of considerations you’ll need to make. It can be difficult to know whether to get a short-term or long-term mortgage, or how long of an amortization period you’ll need.
Location, Location, Location: How to Ensure You’re Buying a Home in the Right Community
When investing in a home, one of the most important things is buying a place that you and your family can feel comfortable in. If you’re wondering what you should be looking for in the neighborhood you choose, here are a few things to consider before making an offer on a home.
What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – July 10, 2017
Last week’s economic reports suggested that demand for homes is rising despite a jump in mortgage rates and rising home prices fueled by low inventories of homes for sale. Demand for homes rose by 1.40 percent as interest rates jumped after the 10-year Treasury rate rose by 10 basis points.
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